School Services

Engage Excite and Educate!!

Physical Education, Sport and Health plays a vital role in enthusing and inspiring children and young people to participate fully and develop a life long love of physical activity.

“Public Health England figures showed that 20% of 4-5-year-olds and 33% of 10-11-year-olds were overweight or obese. This highlights that young people were doing less physical activity than ever before”

Our aim is to ensure every child leaves school physically literate, inspired and enthusiastic about participating in physical activity and with the knowledge, skills and motivation to equip them to feel good about themselves.

 By measuring against the governments 5 key improvement indicators we are able to provide vital evidence to demonstrate effective use of your schools P.E and school sport spending

Increased participation in P.E and competitive sport.

Healthy Active Lifestyles

The Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity. 

Increased Confidence, Knowledge And Skills

 Of all staff and pupils within teaching P.E and school sport.

Broader Experience Of A Range Of Sports

And activities offered to all pupils.

Raising The Profile Of P.E

And sport across the school as a tool for whole school improvement.


This Programme Supports

  1. Engaging all pupils in a high quality and relevant Physical Education curriculum
  2. Attainment of pupils in Physical Education, including physical, cognitive, social and emotional aspects
  3. Social and emotional wellbeing, including resilience, confidence, problem solving and leadership

Why a School should use us

WMSD will provide an experienced member of our team to deliver the Physical Education curriculum directly to pupils. Delivery will include use of WMSD Scheme of Work and regular pupil assessment if required. Regular communication with the class teacher and PE Subject Leader will ensure pupils are engaged in a relevant and challenging curriculum.

Extended School Activities

Breakfast Club and After School Club

Give your children the best possible start to the day with our Sports Breakfast Clubs.
We enable children to start their day in a healthy, active, fun way with the with a range of Sporting activities . This is an initiative to combine fun sports activities to energize children for the day ahead! .

Our experienced team of coaches and instructors can provide a high quality addition to your school’s extra-curricular programme.

Athletics, Basketball, Badminton,  Cricket, Combat Fitness, Dodgeball, Football, Gymnastics, Hockey, Netball, Outdoor Adventure Activities, Rounders, Street Dance, SAQ(Multi Skills), Skipping, Tag Rugby, Tennis, Tri Golf, Volleyball and more..

Lunchtime Activities

“With children spending up to 20% of their school day on the playground, we need to make better use of this time and help all children engage in positive physical activity experiences”

Through our Lunchtime clubs we promote healthy active fun activities to not only keep children fit but to also lower rates of bad behaviour which can be a problem during these times of the school day.

Choose from a range of sports like

“Athletics, Basketball, Badminton,  Cricket, Combat Fitness, Dodgeball, Football, Gymnastics, Hockey, Netball, Outdoor Adventure Activities, Rounders, Street Dance, Multi Skills, Skipping, Tag Rugby, Tennis, Tri Golf, Volleyball and more..”


Playmaker Award

PlayMaker Award is a great introduction into leadership giving learners the knowledge of how to organise small games and activities that can be used during curricular and extra- curricular time, lunchtimes, breaks, as well as in sports clubs outside school hours.

The PlayMaker Award aims to help learners develop leadership skills such as organisation, communication and teamwork, as well as helping to build confidence and self-esteem as they take on the responsibility of assisting in leading their peers and younger children.

Anyone can become a PlayMaker, regardless of their sporting experience or prowess. The PlayMaker Award is designed in a way so that learners can participate and learn about key leadership skills. The recommended age range is 9-11 years old. 

“Low levels of physical activity and aerobic fitness have been associated with declines in academic achievement, cognitive abilities, brain structure and brain function.”

This Programme Supports

1. Tackling the national obesity crisis

2. Meeting Chief Medical Officer’s guidelines for 60 minutes of Physical activity each day

3. Promoting and raising the profile of being physically active and maintaining a healthy balanced diet

Its suggest approximately six hours for delivery of this Award. However the length of the course will depend on your learners’ ability and the time you have available. We are able to deliver either as part of a series of weekly sessions or as a dedicated PlayMaker Award club during lunch times or after school.

FUNdamental Movement Skills Program

This Programme works on

  1. Pupils with poor gross motor skills
  2. Physical literacy of less active pupils
  3. Early Years Physical Development – working towards achieving Early Learning Goals and getting ready for school

Why a School should use us..

This programme combines the KS1 PE Age Related Expectations with (ELG) physical development and aims to develop pupils with low gross motor skills.

Each group takes part in carefully designed activities that focus on developing physical literacy. As a result of this, children should begin to develop resilience, confidence and a love of physical activity. The activities are not competitive; the key message is always about each young person developing physical literacy and improving their gross motor skills. At the start of each programme young people complete a baseline assessment relating to the Age- Related Expectations for EYFS and Key Stage 1. The programme will be designed bespoke for each school based on this initial assessment.

Targeted groups will include those who struggle to with gross motor skills or have gaps in their physical development from Early Years.

Who is this programme for?

 Children and Young People who:

1. Are demonstrating poor gross motor skills.

2. Are less active outside of school and struggle with their Physical Literacy.

3.Will struggle to meet the target by the end of Key Stage 1

4. Are lacking confidence within PE